Welcome, for whatever reason you have arrived here you must be in need for some professional help.

We have been specialists in debt for over 20 years and would like to offer our help to you for free, that's right! No cost EVER!

We cover various aspect that may be of help to many:

1. You may have court cases pending
2. TV Licence Officers at the door
3. Need help with Council Tax
4. Hire Purchase Help
5. Bailiffs showing up at work or home
6. Payday Loan Company Help

If you need any help at all PLEASE REQUEST

Friday, 11 January 2013


[First Name]: of the [Family Name] family
[Your Adress]
[Your Adress]
[Head of Legal Services Full Name]
[Council Name]
Trading as [District Council Name] (if applicable)
[Registered Address]


Your reference [Case Reference]
Account Ref Number [Council Tax Account Number]
My Ref [Your Reference]

Dear [Council Name],

I am in receipt of a letter from [Town] MAGISTRATES COURT In respect of the above A/C number & Addressed to [TITLE]  [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME].

In the matter of your claim for council tax arrears for £[AMOUNT] I can advise that I conditionally accept your offer to pay council tax as per the payment plan discussed on the phone, conditional upon the following -

That you can demonstrate that there is a contract between the [Council Name]  & me ([First Name]: [Family Name] ) The man & not ([TITLE]  [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]) the person & a corporation.

That [Council Name]  have given full disclosure (as required by common law) re the services being offered & that these have been accepted by me for the value stated.

That you can demonstrate manifestation of intent by way of my seal and/or autograph on a contract between us.

That the terms and conditions of any contract are lawful (in common law - Not statute law ).

That a liability order is being sought against the legal fiction [TITLE]  [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] a person and a corporation by [COUNCIL NAME IN CAPS] ( a corporation ) being of equal status as required by law & NOT against [First Name]: of the family [Family Name] ( a man ) and of greater value & thus superior status to a corporation which would render the proceedings unequal in law and thus invalid.

That Council Tax is lawful.

I would further advise that I do not give my consent to hearings being conducted in a court de facto ... & insist that this matter be dealt with in a court de jure ... under common law jurisdiction & that judgement be by way of a jury of my peers.

I would further advise that [COUNCIL NAME IN CAPS]  Legal team should be fully aware of the status of [TOWN IN CAPS] MAGISTRATES COURT as being a branch of the ministry of justice which is a registered corporation - & as such conducts its business under admiralty jurisdiction -whose rulings are invalid on dry land without the consent of BOTH parties to the hearing & that I specifically do not give my consent to these proceedings under this jurisdiction.

While not wishing to appear dishonourable in this matter, I look forward with interest to your comments on this matter.

Yours sincerely without ill-will, vexation or frivolity

[First Name]: of the [Family Name] family (Agent)
Life Force - Soul of Man

WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved Please address all future correspondence in the matter to a direct Human Self, namely [First Name]: of the [Family Name] family, as commonly called.

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